6 Key Reasons Why Custom Orthotics Are Good For You and Your Feet

If you have foot pain, you will surely benefit from custom orthotics. Orthotics are insoles that go into your shoes. By supporting the arches of your feet, custom orthotics are created to make your whole body feel better. They easily slip into your shoes, replacing the manufacturer’s insole. Besides providing the appropriate support, they are often considered much more comfortable than the insole that comes in a shoe. In this post, we will reveal some reasons why you should get orthotics.

They Can Help Reduce Foot Pain
One of the prime reasons you should get orthotics is to reduce pain. Foot pain such as plantarfascitis and Morton's neuroma can be helped by wearing orthotics. Often the cause of painful, achy feet is faulty foot mechanics. When your foot works poorly, pressure from walking and running can go through the wrong part of your foot, causing injury and pain. Orthotics help to fix faulty foot mechanics by supporting your feet and stimulating them to work in the best way possible. This can relieve pain.

Orthotics Can Also Help With Knee and Hip Pain
Faulty foot mechanics not only cause the pressure from walking to go through the wrong part of your foot but through the wrong part of your knees, hips, and ankle. This can cause pain in your ankle, knees, and hips. Wearing orthotics corrects improper foot mechanics and improves the mechanics of your knees, ankles, and hips, which can mean less injury and pain in those joints.

Improve Performance
If you are in pain while training or participating in a competitive sport, your performance will be affected, and you will be more likely to injure yourself. If your feet, knees, and hips are under less pressure and working better, you will likely prepare better, play better, and perform better.

Reduce Wear and Tear on Your Joints
As we have mentioned before, if the mechanics for your feet are not working right, the pressure from walking and running can go via the wrong part of the joint, causing it to wear faster or unevenly. This can cause early degeneration of the joint and pain and injury. Orthotics improve the faulty foot mechanics so that the knees, ankles, and feet work at their best with the pressure from walking and going through the right part of each joint.

Get You Back to the Activities You Love
If pain in your feet, hips, or knees stops you from playing your favorite sport, you tend to stop going to training sessions or playing as much. Or sometimes, the condition can be more painful, and ultimately give up. Not only does this mean that you no longer get to participate in the activity that you adore, but you stop having the physical and social parts of the activities. So if the pain is preventing you, orthotics could help relieve that pain and get you back to the activities you love.

Keep You Active
Besides stopping you from participating in your favorite activity, arch pain and pain in your foot, knees, or hips can make you typically less active. Possibly making you drive when you would have walked. Stop you from carrying that afternoon walk or mean that you avoid getting up and moving as much as you would. Lack of physical activity and becoming more sedentary can cause many health problems not only in your joints and muscles but in your cardiovascular system and can cause you to gain weight. If the pain occurs due to faulty foot mechanics, orthotics can rectify this and help you become more active again.

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